Home Music Audio: TomiSings – Audience for One

Audio: TomiSings – Audience for One


The Song “AUDIENCE OF ONE” By Tomisings, prolific song writer, uncommon worshipper and untiring praise leader, produced by one of Africa’s best producers, Wilson Joel.

A song ministered to the Servant of God, Tomisings, by the Holy Spirit, sending the very message of a unique character of God, which is being the only one that listens to us whenever we call and responds with instant peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.

This simple yet powerful song brings our spirits, then our minds to focusing on God alone when going through trails and tribulations and even more when all things are good.. For they will all pass away, but the AUDIENCE OF ONE is, has been and will always be. Than having an audience of minds we have an audience of a Great and Awesome God.

This Spiritual song is one that you wouldn’t want to stop listening to and meditating on in honour of God bringing you to a wonderful relationship with Him… We encourage that the song is on repeat ?, there’s power in repetition.

Hit the download button and experience more than the words testifying about the Audience of One.


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