Home Music Audio: David Nkennor – Oh My God

Audio: David Nkennor – Oh My God

David Nkennor

Renowned Worship Leader, Singer and Song-Writer David Nkennor has released a brand new single titled, Oh My God.

What better way is there to express the wonders of Christ’s work in our lives than to exclaim it.

Reminiscing about how He saved us for eternity, the David Nkennor echoes the words of the Psalmist, “‘I just can’t forget all Your benefits.’ Let the rhythm and words of this song stir you to a deeper consciousness of His love and to Thanksgiving.

Download, listen and be blessed!




My soul thirst for You this day
Oh my God 
None can take this joy away
Oh my God

You have given me 
More than my eyes can see
You rescued my soul 
For eternity 
I just can’t forget
All Your benefits
Oh my God

And I will serve you all my days
Oh my God 
Let my heart flow in ceaseless praise
Oh my God

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