Home Music Download Mp3: Conquering Lion – Tonee Jeendu

Download Mp3: Conquering Lion – Tonee Jeendu

Conquering Lion - Tonee Jeendu
Download Mp3: Conquering Lion - Tonee Jeendu
Download Mp3: Conquering Lion – Tonee Jeendu

Gospel artist and worship leader, Tonee Jeendu, emerges with a brand new spirit elevating single titled, Conquering Lamb.

The Lion and the Lamb both refer to Jesus Christ. He is both the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb who was slain.

In the book of Revelation, an angel proclaims with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?”

John begins to despair when no one comes forth to answer the angel’s challenge. One of the 24 elders encourages John to “weep no more,” and points out that the Lion of the tribe of Judah has come to take and open the scroll.

Jesus is worthy because He has conquered sin and death at the cross. The cross was the ultimate victory of God over the forces of sin and evil.

So when Jesus is referred to as the Lion and the Lamb, we are to see Him as not only the conquering King who will slay the enemies of God at His return, but also as the sacrificial Lamb who took away the reproach of sin from His people so they may share in.

This song is indeed one to listen! Produced by Dr. Jay.



Honor! Glory! God Almighty

Blessing!Wisdom! Lamb of Glory

Power! Redemption!

All Belongs to You


Conquering Lion The Lamb upon the Throne.

Ibu chukwu onye adighi agba  nwe(Unchangeable God)

Alagbara Oba alewilese

Yes he Reign 4x

Odogwu !!!!chukwu! !!ebube dike

Oba nla Oba aiyeraye

Chorus till fade

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