Home Music : Daniel Ojo Ft. Javis Mays – How Great You Are

[New Music]: Daniel Ojo Ft. Javis Mays – How Great You Are

how great you are

Daniel Ojo, gospel artist, songwriter, singer, composer, musician, producer and worship leader of The Psalmist music based in Ottawa, ON Canada has released a new sound from heaven.

This song was birth in prayer from the story of David and Goliath in 1 Sam. 17. The entire people of Israel had all their attention on Goliath and his boasting, no one could go against him, not even the king. But here comes David who had a different mindset. He had a testimony of how God has saved and delivered him from Lion and the bear. How quickly the Israelite forgot how God had brought them far. We know the rest of the story, David killed Goliath!!! So can you! In prayer, I began to shift my attention to the greatness of God and away from any problems or issues I have going on. And then the song came, ran into my studio, pen it down, recorded it and that’s pretty much it.

I pray that as many as listening to this song, God will be magnified in their hearts and in every situation. As we worship God and begin to magnify him, we will begin to see his work wonders in our lives.

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