Home Devotion For Today Destiny awake inspirational

Destiny awake inspirational


(a daily inspirational that helps you get to your destiny destination)
Pastor Oluwamide Oladeji


Scripture: *Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a fraught.*

You have enough resources in the supernatural realm to work for you.
Sometimes it seems all roads are blocked and every step you take are attacked by Satan.

When the enemy comes against you like flood switch on into the resources you have in God.
Don’t give up provoke the supernatural around your life.

You can ask God to send you angels. They are ministering spirit. We are not to worship them, but you can ask God to send them.

They can work faster than you can imagine. God uses angels to communicate the supernatural activities to the saints.

When you pray in the holy ghost, you provoke the supernatural activities around your life. When you don’t know what to do in any situation, switch on to speaking in the Holy Ghost.

The holy spirit will come up to help you in a miraculous ways.

Fasting; this is another way to provoke the supernatural. When Haman has done all to destroy all Jews from all kingdoms of Babylon, Mordecai and Jews in the Babylon Empire wept but Esther got divine direction to fast for three days, in the midst of the fast every tension in the spirit realm got calmed.

Jesus told his disciples this kind canot be done except by fasting and prayer. There are situations in our lives that demand fasting.
Praying scriptures; you can provoke the supernatural by praying scriptures.

Please don’t be diligent at your business and be lazy at reading and using Scriptures. Jesus fought Satan by the scripture, we can’t win him by another means except by the scripture.

You can put yourself on scriptural diets at any situation. Use prosperity scriptures to fight poverty and lack, use healing Scriptures to deal with sickness and disease, use victory scripture to overcome any satanic attack and affliction.

Bible is a great library that we can’t exhaust. The best way to fight and win is by Scriptures
Use your Faith; you can provoke the supernatural by your faith.

The Centurion sent to Jesus, I am not worthy that you come under my roof, send the word from afar, and my servant will be made whole. Jesus called his acts and speech great faith.

Your acts and the words that come out of your mouth are the description of your faith or fear . Use your faith, faith is acting and speaking on word of God. Provoke supernatural activities around your life by your faith.

Prayer: *Father I ask for grace to be spiritually deligent.*

Till tomorrow,

Oluwamide Oladeji
Fathering Centre,Oyo.
+2349034412593, +2348053246946.