Home Devotion For Today Destiny awake inspirational

Destiny awake inspirational


( a daily inspirational that helps get to your destiny destination)

*( you are a divine machinery in the hand of God)*

Scripture: Judges 6:12
_And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour._

You are a divine machinery in the hand of your maker, you are created and set on planet earth to achieve divine purpose of God. You are not here for yourself, you are here for God. You are embedded with divine prophecy. Your life is a whole program of God ready to be lunched.

God is asking this morning “will you permit me to turn you on? You won’t know what a machine is capable of doing until you turn it on.

Your Television set is an electronic machine, its beauty and capacity will not be known until you turn it on. God wants to turn you on, will you permit him?

You won’t know the capacities of a Motor until turn you it on.

Your life is a load of divine investment, allow God to turn you on. You won’t function until God turn you on. He holds the key of David, that doors he opens to a man no man can shuts and doors he shuts no man can open.

Beware of reluctance of Lot’s wife

Beware of argument of Moses with God

Beware of disobedience of Jonah to Tarshshi

Beware of love of Demas that made him left his apostolic inheritance and fled to Thessalonica.

Study the lives of these characters👆and allow God to turn you on.

We are in the end time,God is raising His Army, you are a soldier in the Army of the Lord. You are God’s machinery Allow him to turn you on.

Prayer: *father set your fire in my bone, set my spirit ablaze for you. Allow me to behold the beauties of your holiness day by days. Turn me ON ho Lord in Jesus’ name.*

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji
Fathering Centre,
+2348053246946, +2349034412593.