Home News 100-Year-Old Missionary has Evangelized Remote Parts of Alaska For 72 Years

100-Year-Old Missionary has Evangelized Remote Parts of Alaska For 72 Years

100-Year-Old Missionary Has Evangelized Remote Parts For 72 Years
The 100-Year-Old Missionary lives in Anchorage, and has spent her days leading Bible studies while touching lives enormously.

When it comes to faithfully living out our call to share the gospel, 100-year-old Alice Green is a pretty good person to try and emulate. The Denver native began working as a Presbyterian missionary in the state of Alaska 72 years ago, and is still going strong. Whilst ministering in the remote village of Savoonga, Green used to ride a sled and her dogs to preach the gospel at a small Church she helped build, reports CBN.

It was packed with 250 locals every single week. “We shaped her and she shaped us. Both ways. She was part of us. There was no color line, no nothing. Because her heart was in the right place,” said local resident Alowa. “She was not that type of typical missionary—’shameon you’—you know those things. She made God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus loving and understanding.”

“They were wonderful people to be with. Somebody said to me, ‘How can you stand to be there alone?’ I said, ‘I’m not alone.’ I said, ‘I’ve got all these people here, and they’re very fine people,'” Green explained of her years ministering to the local population.

Now, she lives in Anchorage, and has spent her days leading Bible studies. “Deep down, each one of us would like to know that our lives have significance, meaning, and purpose,” said Franklin Graham of the elderly woman. “Some may think this means impacting thousands of lives or being well-known by many—but that’s just not true.”

“Making a difference in the life of just one person is significant.”

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Source: HelloChristian