Home Music New Music: Nansat – – Mp3 + Lyrics

New Music: Nansat – [Bisharan Rai] – Mp3 + Lyrics


Gospel singer & songwriter Nansat releases a brand new single “BISHARAN RAI” produced by Lyncon X & K-Beats

The song ‘Bisharan Rai‘ is a Hausa song, meaning ‘Gospel or Word of Life’ it sole message is evangelism which serves as a wake-up call to believers all over the world who are cold and fast asleep in their mission as evangelist.

This is a reminder to go out and preach the gospel of Christ, not minding the hurdles to encounter on the way which could be excuses why some cannot go for evangelism.


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Verse 1:

Yesu ya bar mana aiki

Yayin da zai koma sama

Yace muje cikin duniya

Muyi ta shelan bishara

In babu wanda zayaje

Ko ni kadai ne zanje

Zamuje zamuje

Shelan bishara


Mu kai bisharan rai

Ko ina, cikin duniya

Masubi mu farka

Daga baci

Verse 2:

Yawancin musubi a yau

Mun bar shelan bishara

Muna CE kudaden mu yana can shelan bisharan

Matasan mu Na zamani

Sun kyale fitan wa’azi

Suna CE babu kudi Na zuwa shela bishara

Yan’uwa mu farka 2x

Musubi mu tashi muje

Shelan bishara


Mu kai bisharan rai

Ko ina, cikin duniya

Masubi mu farka

Daga baci


Mu shiga cikin duniya

Masubi mu yi wa’azi

Kar mu damu da

Gargada hanya ba

Gargada hanya ba


Mu kai bisharan Rai

Ko ina, cikin duniya

Masubi mu farka

Daga baci