Home Events Easter Apologetic Conference Holds in Lagos

Easter Apologetic Conference Holds in Lagos

seasoned apologist

Seasoned Apologist, an Apologetical Ministry that is aimed toward helping Christians understand their beliefs and also equipping them to teach others is putting together a ONE-DAY Conference tagged “The Case For The Easter Event”

The Easter period is a time Christians all over the world, commemorate and celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but that is not the only thing that happens in Easter, there have been alot of criticism of the very events, therefore challenging their validity.

How can Christians be sure that Jesus was indeed crucified? Is there any historical records for this event? What about the resurrection? How do we prove the reality of the resurrection to atheist and those of like mind?

This is the focus of the Seminar, in this seminar three main speakers shall be talking on important topics on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Detail for the Event are as follows;

  • Date: 20th April, 2019
  • Time:10 am Prompt
  • Venue: Foursquare Gospel Church, 1, Obasa Close, Oba          Akran, Ikeja, Lagos.

Speakers Include: Sola Obasa, Isang Udo-Akagha, and Gideon Ajose

easter event conference