Home Music : Minister David- Single Me Out

[New Music+Video+Lyrics]: Minister David- Single Me Out

single me out

Minister David speaking about his new song, shares this inspiring testimony: “I am so confident that this song will be a blessing to God’s children. The fallen angel (Devil) attempted everything but fizzled and God gave me victory with this song. The song “Single Me Out” came because of all the leap forward God gave me when I came to Canada in 2006.

In those days, at whatever point I apply for employment or anything from the authorities, I generally get singled out either first or I will be the only one to get it. Time won’t allow me to share all God has done for me, in light of the fact that there is an excess of which my mouth can say them all. “Single Me Out” is an exceptional melody, been my debut out of more than 100 composed songs, I am certain that this tune will minister life to many and God will be glorified.”

This is my prayer for you, that as you are down confronting life inconveniences, God will single you for a turn around in Jesus name (Amen) I encourage you to download this song and share with your friends – Minister David


Let your power rise oh God
Let your spirit rise up within me
Let your power rise oh God
Let it Single me out
Single me out for a miracle
Single me out
Single me out for deliverance

Let your power rise oh God (Thank you Lord, Hallelujah Lord Jesus)
Let your spirit rise up within me (Oh Lord)
Let your power rise oh God
Let it Single me out (Single me out Lord)
Single me out for a miracle (Single me out Lord)
Single me out (Single me out Lord)
Single me out for deliverance

Let your power rise oh God
Let your spirit rise up within me
Let your power rise oh God
Let it Single me out
Single me out for a miracle
Single me out
Single me out for deliverance

Let your power rise oh God ( Oh Lord Jesus let your power rise Lord)
Let your spirit rise up within me (Within me Lord)
Let your power rise oh God
Let it Single me out
Single me out for a miracle(For a miracle God)
Single me out
Single me out for deliverance

I see God changing lives in the realm of the spirit
He’s changing lives in the realm of the spirit
From nothing to something
From nobody to somebody

Let it Single me out
Single me out for a miracle
Single me out
Single me out for deliverance

I see God giving babies in the realm of the spirit
He’s healing cancers in the realm of the spirit
Just open your hand and received it{Yeah}

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