Home Music : Blesso John- Mmadara

[New Song]: Blesso John- Mmadara


Mmadara is the latest song release of gospel music singer Blesso John, written out of gratitude to God for his sacrifice and love which is always sufficient in the life of all who believe in Jesus Christ.

It is a spirit-filled and powerful song. The pleasant melody makes it so amazing to all.

Blesso John (Blessing John) is a gospel singer and a songwriter, who hails from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. She is a lead vocal in her church choir and a member of other music groups.

Blesso is a member of Solid Rock Kingdom Church which exposed her to great worship events like Unleavened Worship, Mega Praise Concert, and lots more.

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The sacrifice you made

On the cross of calvary

You bled and die

You took the shame for me

Adopted into your lineage

I’m so glad to be your own

Just your own precious seed

Who else can do this things

You did to set me free

Who else can bleed for me

You know I love you Lord

Mmadara koro Christ amami

(I am glad that Christ loves me)

Amami amami (He Loves Me)

Mmadara Mmadara (I am glad)