Home Music : Sarai Korpacz- All I Ever Need

[New Song+Lyrics+Video]: Sarai Korpacz- All I Ever Need

all i ever need

New York-based contemporary gospel artiste, Sarai Korpacz released this song ‘All I Ever Need’ which premiered on the 4th of July this year. This is a song of acknowledgment and total submission to God’s will. It is also a testimonial song of God’s healing power from chronic pain sustained from an injury in 2018, thus she has this to say;

“All I Ever Need” is a song about spiritual rediscovery. It is my desire that the song inspires hearts and minds to dwell richly in worshiping God, just as the Bible says in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” – King James Version (KJV)’.

We were created to worship Him – Sarai Korpacz stated.


1st Verse

I have rediscovered Your presence in my life

You mean more to me than I have realized

You’ve been so good to me, in You I have been set free

You’re all I ever wanted, You’re all I ever need


And I don’t ever want to leave

Your presence, dear Lord

Is worth more than all the world

This here is my place, this here is my space in You

I live to worship You

2nd Verse

I have rediscovered Your power in my life

You have always been right here, by my side

Your love rescues me, inspite of all my frailties

You’re all I ever wanted, You’re all I ever need


And I don’t ever want to leave

Your presence, dear Lord

Is worth more than all the world

This here is my place, this here is my space in You

I live to worship You


And I don’t ever want to leave

Your presence, dear Lord

Is worth more than all the world

This here is my place, this here is my space in You

I live to worship You


Oh, come rain, come shine

I know You will always be mine

Always be mine



And I don’t ever want to leave

Your presence, dear Lord

Is worth more than all the world

This here is my place, this here is my space in You
I live to worship You

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