Home Music : Holy- Nelly K

[New Song+Lyrics]: Holy- Nelly K


“Holy” one of the three singles released by music minister Nelly k to start the new year,

On this song “Holy” Nelly K sings about purification in worship. Worship is an expression of adoration and love to God but, should it end there? No! Worship should bring us to a place of brokenness and hunger to be like the one whom we adore, admire and worship. We worship a holy God and therefore should desire to be like him. For it is written “Be ye Holy for I am Holy” 1Pet.1:16

Nelly k is a gospel artist, music evangelist, songwriter, founder/ Visioneer of the Society Empowerment for Transformation Initiative (SETI); a non-governmental organisation, a child and women advocate, a public health practitioner, a mother and wife ( married to a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God ).

Nelly k ” Nelly Kusimo hails from Edo State but married into an Ogun family.

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Holy lyrics by Nelly k

Who is like you

Oh Lord

Your eyes are so Holy

Cannot behold iniquity

And you want me to be like you

Oh make me just like you

You want me to be like you

Oh make me just like you


Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

You are so holy

Oh make me just like you

(All 2x)

Let this mind that was in Christ

Dwell richly in me

Take away the old and renew

Your spirit in me

Cause you want me to be like you

Oh make me just like you

You want me to be like you

Make me just …like you


Oh oh oh

Oh oh oh

You are so holy

Oh make me just like you

(All 2x)

Musical Interlude:


You are so Holy God

You eyes are holy, your ways are holy, everything about you is holy

In heaven they cry holy holy is our God

Here on earth we worship you in the beauty of your holiness

As we cry;

Oh oh oh oh oh

Chorus (1x)

Special part

Soloist: Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy

Lord God Almighty

All: Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy

Lord God Almighty
