Home Music : Dunsin Oyekan- Fragrance To Fire

[New Audio+Video+Lyrics]: Dunsin Oyekan- Fragrance To Fire

fragrance to fire

Fireful songwriter and psalmist Dunsin Oyekan just released a hit “Fragrance To Fire,” recorded live at The Covenant Nation, Lagos. The electrified worship is yet another powerful anthem from the celebrated Nigerian worshiper.

According to him, “I sensed an urgency in my spirit to document and record this sound some weeks ago.” says Dunsin Oyekan “With the recent development around the world, the plague and the scare that comes with it, there’s a need to release this sound to the Earth for such a time as this!!”

Fragrance To Fire” is the newest addition to the growing catalogues of great songs by Dunsin Oyekan which are birthed from a deep place and revelatory. This also serves as his first new single after his latest album, Kingdom Now, and it follows the recent live video releases from the project including; Ageless, Holy and Most High.

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{The Fragrance of my Worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises, Thunderings, Earthquakes
Were the Response to my Worship
The Fragrance of my Worship
Rose up to the Father
Noises, Thunderings, Lightning
Were the Response to my Worship} x2

First, it was Fragrance
Then it Turned to Fire
My Worship is my Weapon
This is how I Win my Battle

This is how I Win, Win, Win
This is how I Win
The Smoke of my Worship
Released upon the Earth