Home Music : Victory Usifoh – You Are Enough For Me

[New Release+Lyrics]: Victory Usifoh – You Are Enough For Me

you are enough for me
Amazing music gospel performer and songwriter, Victory Usifoh hits the airwaves with a new sound from the throne of grace titled, “You Are Enough For Me”.

Speaking about the song, he said, “You are enough for me” is a song I received one of the nights I did my personal indoor program tagged 7 hours with the master. When I started
worshipping I began to recall how I actually lost some things I thought were most valuable to me, and how my life was restored all that I thought that I was never going to have again.

This is my testimony of how my encounter with Jesus blessed and turned my life around. Let the grace of this song flow into you as you download, listen, and share. Indeed, The Lord is enough for us.”

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I have searched and search
I have been around the world
No one like you
No one like you
I have been to the north
East south and west
No one like you
No one like you.
For the things you do
No one can do
For the things you do
No one can do.


You are enough for me
Enough for me
Enough for me
Jesus 4X
Call: you are enough
You are enough 8X
You’re just enough for me
You’re enough for my family
You’re enough for Nigeria
You’re enough for the whole world
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus ohhhh.