Home Music : Fr. Gabriel Okeke – Paraclete

[New Song+Lyrics Video]: Fr. Gabriel Okeke – Paraclete

Gospel Minister and Reverend, Fr. Gabriel Okeke releases a new song titled “Paraclete”. While speaking about the song, he said: “The song “Paraclete” is a fruit of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the eve of the Pentecost week, May 2020. It was sung by him and some Kids-Angelica”Fr. Gabriel Okeke is a Catholic priest from the Archdiocese of Onitsha Nigeria and currently undergoing his doctorate program in the Vatican City, Rome Italy.

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Verse 1
I’ve read about your prodigies in the Bible
I’ve read about the miracles by disciples
Yes I’ve read about how they all moved in the Spirit
From Stephen the martyr to Paul last in the murder-listSee me now Spirit Blest
Fill me too with same power of the Most High
Hear me now soul’s Precious Guest
Fill me too with same power of the Most High

Oh Spirit come, oh Holy Spirit come
Come and lit your fire
Let our hearts be on fire

Bia Muo Nso bia
Bia ike eluigwe bia ee

Munye Muo Nso munye
Munye oku idi aso munye y’ee

Ngwa ya nwube ya nwube ya nwube
Ngwa ya nwube ya nwube ya nwube

Let it glow now, let the fire glow now
Let it glow now, let the fire glow now

Verse 2
I’ve read about the river from the temple-side
I’ve read about the water from the right side
Yes I’ve read about how they healed and made whole
From the heart of Jesus the river of mercy flowed

See me now Spirit Blest
Fill me too with same river of the temple-side
Hear me now soul’s welcome Guest
Fill me too with same river of the Sacred side

Oh Spirit come ….

Kube ikuku Mmuo kube
Rube mmiri nke Muo rube ee

Zobe igirigi Muo zobe
Hube mmiri nke Muo hube ee

Ngwa ya hube ya hube ya hube
Ngwa ya kube ya kube ya kube ee

Ngwa ya zobe ya zobe ya zobe
Ngwa ya rube ya rube ya rube ee

Let it flow now let the water flow now
Let it flow now let the river flow now