Home Music : Uty Pius – Awesome Wonder

[New Song+Video+Lyrics]: Uty Pius – Awesome Wonder

awesome wonder
Gospel music minister, Uty Pius has just released a new worship tune titled, ‘Awesome Wonder”.

‘Awesome Wonder’ is a solemn yet exciting tune, filling the heart of the listeners with a sincere feeling of gratitude and joy. Uty’s voice ululates throughout the song expressing her deep-felt appreciation to Jesus in the accompaniment of carefully arranged musical instrumentation.

In her words, “Jesus remains a shield over His people. He is greater than the mountains we face; He is a tender loving father who deserves all our worship. Hence all glory and honour belong to the Awesome Wonder Jesus. No one compares to the one seated on the throne of our hearts.” 

The Nigerian-British Gospel artiste is acknowledging God for His love and protection even in the middle of the confusion and troubles in the world today.

The song was produced by Tobas Adolphus, mixed and mastered by King Baseda.

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders. And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen. – [Psalm 72:18-19].

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Jesus all the glory to your name
Glory to your name
Awesome wonder You are

You are greater than
Every other name
You are greater than
Troubles in this world
You are greater than
What we can imagine
Awesome wonder You are
Awesome wonder You are

Greater than the mountains I face
Mighty are the works of your hands
Your praises forever we’ll proclaim

Tender loving father you are
Sited on the throne of my heart
Forever and ever
I’ll bring my praise