Home Music : Precious Yaya – Rock Of Ages

[New Song+Video]: Precious Yaya – Rock Of Ages

rock of ages

Precious Yaya releases a new song and official video “Rock of Ages”. The song came at a time the whole world was battling the Covid -19 pandemic. The entire world was at a standstill with people dying in hundreds of thousands. Economies crumbled, people lost their jobs, social distancing became the new norm.

In challenging periods as this the only source of hope is God who is able to heal our lands and make us whole again. Our strength in times of storm and our ever-present help in times of need. I personally got my testimony during this period even as I prayerfully keyed into the lyrics of this song.

My sincere prayer is that you will be touched as you listen and your life will not remain the same again. Be blessed as you listen and please share your testimony when you experience that turnaround. – Precious Yaya

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