Home Music : Visions of Songs Ft. Felix Ohis Odion – Have Mercy O...

[New Audio+Video+Lyrics]: Visions of Songs Ft. Felix Ohis Odion – Have Mercy O Lord

have mercy o lord

Gospel artist, Visions of Songs releases yet another song titled “Have Mercy O Lord” ft. Felix Ohis Odion. Have Mercy O Lord this is the cry of many people these days, even as undeserving recipients of God’s mercy, we still ask Have Mercy O Lord. Nothing more could be asked of us than that we ourselves show unreserved mercy and compassion for other people.

Have Mercy O Lord, Indeed, we are commanded to be merciful as God is merciful! The Bible even speaks about compassion. Compassion is to share the pain and suffering of others and actively working to help them. Our greatest example in this is Jesus Himself, who took upon Himself human nature, giving His life to open a way of eternal salvation for us so as we cry Have Mercy O Lord let us remember Ephesians 4:31-32 which says “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

As you listen and sing along to this holy tune, “Have Mercy O Lord” by Visions of Songs ft. Felix Ohis Odion, I pray that the Holy Spirit also opens your hearts to others, friends and strangers alike, and learn to love selflessly, as we have been loved.

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Solo:  Have mercy oh Lord
I have come to repent

Have mercy oh Lord
I have come to request

Have mercy oh Lord
I have come to repent

Have mercy oh Lord
This I pray

Almighty God, we come to you today in repentance of our sins
And we ask you do not look upon our sin as wide as they are
but forgive us today in the name of Jesus
We come before you as individuals,
We come before you as a family
We come before you as a nation
We come before you as a people
pleading that you forgive us
as we come into the Throne of Grace
To obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need

Reply: Have mercy oh Lord
We have come to repent

We get down on our knees

Forgive us Lord

and we pray, we pray
Don’t you give up on us

Solo and Reply: We have come to request

Jehovah, please draw us close to you
And not let’s walk away from your Word anymore
This we pray oh Lord God today
As we acknowledge that you alone are God
the creator of Heaven and Earth
And by you word the world was established and without you was nothing made
because you are the giver of light and the give of life
You are our strength, our peace, our hope, our inspiration.
We come together and we repent oh Lord oh Lord oh Lord

Have mercy, mercy, mercy
oh we plead with you Lord
We request
Our father God, we acknowledge that we did not make ourselves
but you made us and created all things.
We are sorry to have departed  from your Word. Please cleanse us of all
And do not count our sins against, but draw us close to you
And let your mercy rest upon us, let your grace rest upon us
We want to know more of you, help us not to follow a multitude to sin.
As we acknowledge that you alone are God