Home Music : Eva Diamond Ft. Worship Wonders Crew – Onye Nwem

[New Song+Lyrics]: Eva Diamond Ft. Worship Wonders Crew – Onye Nwem

onye nwem

Gospel artist, Eva Diamond teams up with The Worship Wonders Crew to release another glorious song titled, “Onye Nwem” which means “My Owner” in the traditional Igbo Nigerian Dialect.

A lot of people are yet to realize that we are on this Earth for God, to fulfil the ultimate purpose of existence which is to win souls to Christ. Eva Diamond and The Worship Wonders Crew did justice with this beautiful one “Onye Nwem”. “Onye Nwem” has just been released has started touching a lot of lives. The song passes a very strong message to all believers and unbelievers. He is our owner and Creator, just like Psalm 33:6 says and I quote “for All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” This is a total expression of the fact that he is God an all things come from him, he is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega.

This beautiful rendition “Onye Nwem” powers us to always give gratitude to God our Creator each and every day of our lives for it is for him truly we live. Download now and partake of the awesome power this song “Onye Nwem” beholds and always remember he is our Creator and we live to fulfil his purpose.

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You are great

You do wonders

And your mercy
Endures forever
Oh my Father
(Please) Show your power
In my life

You are great

You do wonders

And your mercy
Endures forever
Oh my Father
(Please) Show your power
In my life

Onye Nwem
Gosi ike gi

Nime ndu mo

Onye Nwem
Gosi ike gi

Nime ndu mo