Home Music : Minister Sam- Ololufe

[New Song]: Minister Sam- Ololufe

Fast-rising music minister, Ayoade Samuel has released a new song titled, Ololufe.

Ayoade Samuel (Minister Sam) is a composer, director, instructor, and voice coach, he’s currently serving as the Music Director of Livingspring Chapel International Iyana Church Centre. He’s happily married with kids.

Speaking about the song, Minister Sam says, ”When we think of love in general, we oftentimes tend to think of romantic love immediately. But have we ever think of God’s love first? God’s love is different from other kinds of love. It’s not all hearts and flowers or warm and fuzzy, it really goes beyond that. His love is so vast, deep, and wide. His love comforts us in times of loneliness and despair. It never fails and it always- always, forgive.”

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