Home Music Download Song-Timothy Babalola ‘Lord I’m Grateful’

Download Song-Timothy Babalola ‘Lord I’m Grateful’


Gospel singer and songwriter Timothy Babalola has finally released his much anticipated single titled Lord I’m Grateful

According to Timothy; I can’t best describe the love of God which he has for me. Lord I’m Grateful was birthed in the place of worship. It is a song of worship that describes the overwhelming nature of God and His personality. So I express my little token of gratitude back to him (Jesus). Romans 8:35-39


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Lord am grateful

Come on somebody let us worship Him

Thank you Jesus

Thank you for the love

Thank you for the life

Thank you for the strength



Lord am grateful for all you’ve done

Lord I bless your holy name

Jesus, you’ve been more than enough

I love you more and more

(Repeat solo)



call: And Say Jesus I

resp: Jesus I love you

call: Oh Jesus I love you

resp: Jesus I love you

call:oh Jesus I

resp:Jesus I love you

call: I love you more and more

resp: I love you more and more



call: For the strength that you’ve given me

resp: ahh ahh ahh

call: For the live that you’ve given me

resp: ahh ahh ahh

call: For the love that you’ve given me

resp: I love you more and more

(repeat bridge)


call: Jesus I…

resp: Jesus I love you

call: From the bottom of my heart I love you

resp: Jesus I love you

(Romans 8:35-39)

resp:Jesus I love you

I love you more and more ( chorus 2x)

Lord am grateful for all you’ve done

Lord I bless your holy name

Jesus, you’ve been more than enough

I love you more and more