Home Music Download Song- P. Sandy I MOVE featuring DeWilson.

Download Song- P. Sandy I MOVE featuring DeWilson.


Gospel singer P. Sandy releases new single titled I Move featuring DeWilson.

I move is a song inspired by the holy spirit. It is prophetic and timely and received for such a time as this. There are so many shiftings happening in the lives of men on a daily basis in the realms of the spirit, and it’s in turn manifested in our physical
and everyday lives.

“Movement” is progressive not domant or stagnant. So when you say to yourself ” I move” it’s a prophetic word of declaration that recognises fact dat ‘ you’re not where and who you used to be” its another level, chapter, and phase for you.

Our words have power, Sing to dis song often and in no distance time every lyrics of the song would become visible in your life.


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I Move Lyrics


Nothing can stop me,

I’m seated above limitations,

I’m living in victory

My life is from glory to glory.

As the just my light keep shinning brighter and brighter,

Higher and higher I keep soaring

There’s no stopping me


I’ve moved

I move oh

I move with the speed of light


I’m not who I used to be,

I’m bigger than ever before

I’m not where I used to be, I’ve moved.

I’m no longer the same my life has been changed,

From glory to glory I keep soaring, there’s no stopping me…



the road is dark

the road is dark

my guy I nor dey fear

I move with the speed of the holy ghost

so all the mirage disappear

people dey wonder

sey my life has taken another gear

I’m spreading like fire

open doors I see on everyside

I move

from the thing’s that held me down before

I move

from the little fox that spoil the vine

I move

from the miry clay to the highest grounds

I move

yes I move move move move

oliseh bi n’igwe

odogwu akataka

agwu nechemba

ebuligom elu

my guy anom asu n’igwe

akamu dizi n’enu

osina nwata bulu ogalanya

mehnnn I’m spreading on everyside



CALL: Wider wider(6x)

RESP: wider(6x)

ALL : I keep spreading on every side

CALL: Higher higher(6x)

RESP: Higher(6x)

I keep soaring on eagle’s wings…