Home Music Download Song- HOPE IS HERE Stefan Green

Download Song- HOPE IS HERE Stefan Green


From the streets of Cape Town, South Africa, Stefan has seen the scars and broken layers of humanity. Through his experience he brings a unique edge in releasing a sound that will become the doorway for many to find hope & healing.

More than great songs he wants those who know him to know why he creates, Why he spends hours rewriting lyrics and rethinking melodies, why he sacrifices time, money and so much more, to craft songs that reflect unspoken realities.


The Christmas Project’ – A reminder of hope and joy as we embark on this Christmas season. This year has offered more loss and tragedy than most have wanted to hold, yet here we are, vulnerable, faced with another Christmas and another year approaching. We are given the gift of life and celebration as we hold the tension of light and dark within our grasp. I pray that those who are grieving over this season are able to find restored hope in lifting their voices, finding their faith again and acknowledging their hope is here. If we can undertake this sacred time of year to cherish peace and be abundant in mercy I have no doubt that it will offer healing in a way that only unity and love can.


“Behold the Son of Light”… words sung with expectancy and a resounding desperation for peace. The harsh realities we have faced this year have left us anxious and unable to celebrate the victories. The hope we have ahead in walking into a new year of unknown possibilities is weaker than we would like, yet it is still alive if we would allow it room to grow. May our childlike spirit of innocence arise as we remember whatever it is that brings us a sense of renewed hope, hope is not lost, it is within our grasp and we WILL remember our past hope as we step forward into a new year of life.


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