Home Music Download Song-GOD’S INFINITE LOVE Esther Omoniyi

Download Song-GOD’S INFINITE LOVE Esther Omoniyi


UK Based prolific Gospel Music Minister, drops her latest single titled God’s Infinite Love. Esther Omoniyi is a passionate British-Nigerian gospel artist and a speaker who is passionate about liberating people’s mind and reconnecting people back to the roots of gospel through her distinctive music style and public

Her new song God’s infinite love is now available on all platforms.God’s infinite love was birthed whilst reminiscing on God’s love towards mankind, regardless of our imperfections (knowing that he loves us before we were formed).

God’s love is not a reward for our efforts or the service that we offer, rather it’s an unconditional love (“But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 AMP.

“For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God;” Ephesians 2:8 AMP).

Sometimes God’s love is revealed in small ways and not in the big ways that we want him to show up. Our daily life should be a reminder of our father’s love (“Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!” Psalms 63:3 NLT). I hope this song reminds you of God’s love for you and I; he loves us and will never stop loving us!


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Your love for me unfailing love
Your love for me your perfect love
You knew me and love me before I was formed

Your love for me unending love
Your love for me, your faultless love
You knew me and love me before I was formed

Ooooo, how could you love me this much
Oooo, how could you treasure me this much
You’re the Lover of my life, I will praise you all of my days (2x)

Ooooo, how could you love me this much
Oooo, how could you treasure me this much
You’re the Lover of my life, I will praise you all of my days (2x)

I have been saved and chosen by grace
The life that I have is gift from God
That salvation I have is not my rewards for the works that I give
But by the grace of God, I’m saved

Ooooo, how could you love me this much
(How could you love me this much)
(Thank you for loving me)
Ooooo, how could you treasure me this much
I’m the apple of his eyes
Lover of my life, I will praise you all of my days
(You are the lover of)
Lover of my life, I will praise you all of my

Ooooo, how could you love me this much
(What manner of love is this
That you would give it all for me
Your finish work on the cross
How could you treasure me this much)
Ooooo, how could you treasure me this much
I’m the apple of his eyes
Lover of my life, I will praise you all of my days
(You are the lover of)
Lover of my life, I will praise you all of my

You are my well that never runs dry (3x)
(You are my well that never runs dry)
You are my well that never runs dry
Jesus my well that never runs dry
You are my well that never runs dry
Jesus my well that never runs dry
You are my well that never runs dry

Rivers of life
You are my well that never runs dry
Rivers of hope
Rivers of joy
Rivers of love

Oooo, how could you love me this much……..