Home Music Download Song- NA YOU BE GOD

Download Song- NA YOU BE GOD


NA YOU BE GOD – Pastor Joseph Obeya. Pastor Joseph Obeya is a lover of God and an ardent preacher of the word of God. He is also a worshipper, praiser of God, prolific song writer and singer. Over time, these qualities continue to metamorphose and translate into unfeigned deeper and deeper relationship with God. He is a product of dozens and divers impartation. The grace and passion to sing came into full swing and greater manifestation when he was imparted over twenty years ago.

The song NA YOU BE GOD is a song that displays in strong term the Powerfulness of God as The True God in salvation, healing, blessing, success, victory and preservation of lives while other gods remain liars and failures. Experience and enjoy God’s True nature through the song as you listen.

Pastor Joseph Obeya holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the prestigious University of Jos, Nigeria and MBA Human Resources Management. He is married to Mrs Lilian Amarachukwu and their marriage is blessed with Godly children to the Glory of God. He is widely travelled and has a very good sense of humour.

Someone said “you can never meet Pastor Joseph Obeya and not return smiling and laughing”. The song NA YOU BE GOD By Pastor Joseph Obeya is a song that displays in strong term the Powerfulness of God as The True God in salvation, healing,
blessing, success, victory and preservation of lives while other gods remain liars and failures. Experience and enjoy God’s True nature through the song as you listen.

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No be lie,
Na You be God,
No be lie o,
Na You be True God

Other gods e na yeye dem be,
Other gods e na wowo dem be.

No be lie,
Na You be God,
No be lie o,
Na You be True God

Other gods e na yeye dem be,
Other gods e na wowo dem be.

Verse 1:
Na You dey save,
Na You dey heal,
Na You dey bless o
Na You dey do all.

Other gods e na yeye dem be,
Other gods e na wowo dem be.

Na You dey save,
Na You dey heal,
Na You dey bless o
Na You dey do all.

Other gods e na yeye dem be,
Other gods e na wowo dem be.

No be lie,
Na You be God,
No be lie o,
Na You be True God

Other gods e na yeye dem be,
Other gods e na wowo dem be.

Verse 2:
Na You give life,
Na You give success,
Na You give victory
Na You dey give all.

Other gods e na yeye dem be,
Other gods e na wowo dem be.