Home Music Download Song- YAFUN YAFUN Kemi Wealth

Download Song- YAFUN YAFUN Kemi Wealth

Kemi Wealth - Yafun Yafun

Music: Kemi Wealth – Yafun Yafun Aboluwade Kemisola( Aka Kemi wealth) was born on the 16th of February. She is a lover of God and she believes in showcasing her love for God through
her music. She’s a graduate of Accounting from Afebabalola university.

Comes from a family of 5 with 3 children and happens to be the second born. All her life, she had always known that she was destined to be a gospel singer considering her journey from children choir to youth choir and up-to
where she his now.

It is with so much joy that she releases her first single’ Yafun Yafun on her birthday.


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