Home Music Download Song- SHADOW OF HIS WINGS Oluwabunmi Akanbi

Download Song- SHADOW OF HIS WINGS Oluwabunmi Akanbi

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A new release from Oluwabunmi Akanbi titled Shadow of his wings. God is the author of all things. He’s the sure protection and guide that man must rely on. It comes to a certain stage in my life where I realised that a secured and resting place can only be found in the shadow of His wings as stated in Psalms 91.  I realised that no matter who you are whether rich or poor, Master or servant, if you lack this secret place you’ve already lacked the truth and the light of life which can only be found in Jesus.

This is a song inspired from the place of fellowship.
I pray we’re all inspired and drawn more to the secret place of fellowship as we listen. (Amen)  For the Bible says Psalms 91:1  He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Prod. by Magnificient Studio.


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I hide my life

Under the shadow of your wings

I hide myself

Under the shelters of your Grace

Spirit of God

Take me to the resting place

Jesus Way maker,

Take me to the secured place!

I hide my life

I hide my home

I hide my all

Within your wings

I hide my joy

I hide my peace

I hide my wealth

In your wings…

In your wings…

Send forth your light and your truth let them guide me!

Let them bring me to your Holy Mountain.

To the place

Where you dwell, Zion place

Then will I go

To the altar of my God…

You’re my refuge

You’re my fortress

You are my God

In whom I trust

You’re my refuge

You’re my fortress

You are my God

In whom I trust…

Spring out in me!

Living water!

Living water!

Spring out in me!

Flows through me.

Spring out in me!
Living water!
Living water!
Spring out in me! Flows through me.

Spring out in me!

Living water!

Living water!

Spring out in me! Flows through me.