Home Music Download Song- KO S’OBA BIRE Jumoke Odusole

Download Song- KO S’OBA BIRE Jumoke Odusole

umoke Odusole - Ko S'oba Bire (Artwork)

Jumoke Odusole – Ko S’oba Bire Jumoke Odusole is a Nigerian gospel singer, song-writer and lead vocalist at The Redeemed Christian Church of God. She released her first album which was
composed by her in 2017.

Her new single –  Ko S’oba Bire is full of reverence to God for his faithfulness and unending love, even when we’re seemingly undeserving. Produced by the legendary Wole Oni.


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ChorusYou are Jesus (2×)Laye lorun

Iwo ni kosoba bire (2×)Verse 1:Call: Arugbo ojo (Ancient of days)Response:
Iwo niCall: Alagbada Ina (The one clothes in fire)Response: Iwo ni Call:
Eleru niyin (Fearful to be praised)Response: Iwo ni kosoba biireChorusYou
are Jesus (2×)Laye lorun *