Home Music Download Song- YOU ARE GOD Austin Omozeje

Download Song- YOU ARE GOD Austin Omozeje


Manchester based Music Minister, Austin Omozeje has released a brand new single titled You Be God , featuring The Blend.You Be God is a sound to our God who nature and the world is charged with his grandeur. God of creations whose greatness speaks to His absolute rule over all things. His endless resources, His unimaginable power to do as He pleases and for whomever He pleases. “YOU BE GOD” was Recorded live @simplyworshipng and was produced by @deeplays4116 & @marvelosahon6170.


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Creatures and Creations

Applaud your Name God

Your holy people bless you and talk about your wondrous Reign

Nature sings your beauty and mighty are your splendor

Holy thou most holy

We raise a shout to you

And call you father

(Resp) That’s his name

And call you Master

(Resp) That’s his name

And call you Jesus

(Resp) That’s his name

We call you Way Maker

(Resp) That’s his name


You be

God O, God O

God all by yourself

You be

God O,God O

King of all the Earth

You be

God O, God O

Nations do proclaim

You be

God O, God O

No one else like you


Hallelujah, Hallelujah

To your Majesty Majesty