Home Music Download Song- I AM YOURS Emmanuel Dickson

Download Song- I AM YOURS Emmanuel Dickson


Gospel artist and songwriter, Emmanuel Dickson has released his highly anticipated single, “I am Yours”. The song is a follow-up to his previous releases and collaborations, including the hit song “It’s Gonna Be Alright,” which he co-wrote and featured as an artist. With “I am Yours” Emmanuel delivers a powerful theme that resonates with every born-again Christian.

“I am Yours” is more than just a song; it’s a musical journey that celebrates the identity of all believers in Christ. Emmanuel’s reflections on the profound truth of God’s Word inspired him to write the song, which delves deep into the epiphany of being a child of God and the boundless joy and freedom that comes with it.

The creation process of the song began during a rehearsal session, where Emmanuel randomly started playing the captivating melody of the chorus on the piano. From there, the song took shape, with heartfelt lyrics flowing effortlessly, inspired by the profound truth of being God’s beloved.


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