Home Music Download Song- I BELIEVE Emmanuel Dickson

Download Song- I BELIEVE Emmanuel Dickson


In a world filled with noise, “I Believe” focuses on what truly matters; God’s truth about who we are. Emmanuel Dickson wrote this song in 2017 during a period of personal struggle and self-discovery. The song served as an assurance that God’s promises would be fulfilled, and all he needed to do was believe. “I Believe” opens with a spoken word introduction, setting a powerful and reflective tone. It then transitions into a heartfelt performance by Jaddah, whose vocals bring the message to life.

Complemented by a small choir, the backing vocals provide a classical blend that enhances the lead, creating a rich and resonant sound.This song has been performed live multiple times, receiving positive responses from audiences. Emmanuel Dickson is a gospel artist and songwriter from Lagos, Nigeria. He has been making music since he was a child, inspired by his faith in God and his love for Gospel Music.


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He said I’m healed
He said I’m delivered
He said I’m free
Now and Forever


And I believe His word over me
I believe that He has good thoughts and plans for me
I believe He will supply my every need
Lord, I do believe


He said I’m loved
He tells me I’m Righteous
He said I am strong
I’m more than a conqueror


In His word, I do believe
In His word, I plant my feet
He has spoken over me
And I say “Lord, I believe”