SORO is a Yoruba language word that translates to SPEAK; it is a deep call to God; a request from a worshipper to his/her God for closer communication because where God’s voice is, there is peace. Soro is a gospel/christian release which is also a contemporary worship song, sang in collaboration by Uniekgrace and her spiritual father, Apostle Richard Onebamoi. It is produced by T Klexx.
God whispered a melody and a message to his servant Apostle Richard Onebamoi and he immediately was led to call minister Uniekgrace to put life into the project. Within a week, the song “SORO” was birthed. God works indeed in mysterious ways because a year before this moment, Uniekgrace was on a journey of intentionally hearing from God by creating the atmosphere, walking the walk and talking the talk.
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