Home Music Download Song- OPEN DOORS P.sandy

Download Song- OPEN DOORS P.sandy


Singer P. Sandy releases another single Open Doors shortly after the release of the hit single I Move. According to her;This song Open Doors was actually inspired by the Holy Spirit through my man of God pastor Sam Agbamuche ( senior pastor, salvation Gospel mission intl) who at the beginning of the year unveiled this theme open doors to us, as the rhema for the year…

Full lyrics was drawn from the scriptures. The song is a daily assurance to all, that according to God’s word, no matter what circumstances might be saying… the final conclusion of the matter is “God has set before you open doors that no man, no man, no man, no man, can shut”…glory to God!!!!

Let this song be your daily cogitations and confession and your life would never remain the same….

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