Home News Netanyahu: Evangelical Christians are Israel’s Best Friends

Netanyahu: Evangelical Christians are Israel’s Best Friends

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyahu also emphasised the protection of worshipping rights in Israel, including for Christians.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday told the annual conference of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) that Christian evangelicals were Israel’s best friends in the world.

According to the Times of Israel, Netanyahu told the cheering crowd, “When I say we have no greater friends than Christian supporters of Israel, I know you’ve always stood with us.

“You stand with us because you stand with yourselves because we represent that common heritage of freedom that goes back thousands of years.”

Netanyahu also spoke of Israel and the US being engaged in a major ‘struggle’ against ‘militant Islam’.

According to him, “It’s a struggle of civilizations. It’s a struggle of free societies against the forces of militant Islam. They want to conquer the Middle East, they want to destroy the State of Israel, and then they want to conquer the world.

“People often make a mistake in conventional discussions when they used to say that militant Islamists hate the west because of Israel. Its actually the other way around,” he continued. “They hate Israel because of the west – because we represent a free society built on the foundation of Judeo-Christian heritage. This is the society they despise so much.”

He also emphasised the protection of worshipping rights in Israel, including for Christians.

“Since Israel liberated Jerusalem we have ensured the freedom of access to all faiths.

“It is only under Israeli sovereignty that we ensure that what has happened at other holy sites in the Middle East will not happen to the holy sites under the sovereignty and control of the State of Israel.

“The only place where you have religious freedom guaranteed is Israel. The only place where Christian communities in the Middle East thrive, they grow, not only survive but they have a future. That place is Israel, because Israel guarantees religious freedom. Israel represents the freedom that we all cherish.”

According to the Synergia Foundation Netanyahu has positioned Israel as a defender of Western values in the Middle East which includes the freedom of worship.

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