Home Music : Gift Dennis- He Reigns

[New Song+ Lyrics]: Gift Dennis- He Reigns


Worship leader, songwriter, performing & recording gospel minister, Gift Dennis releases another single titled- He Reigns produced By Sunny Pee.

He Reigns is a song that reminds us that our Redeemer is the reigning King. For He (Christ) must be King and reigns until He has put all His enemies under His feet…. (1 Corn. 15:25). And we are reigning with Him because we belong to the Kingdom of God’s dear Son….(Colo. 1:13).

This song is out to touch and bless lives all over the world”. She says.



In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. And the word was
God Himself, He was present with God. In Him was life and the life was the
light of Men!!!(John 1:1-2, 4)

Chorus 1:
Call: Who is that Man, who lives and never never die?
Response: He’s Jesus, He’s Jesus
Call: Who is that Mighty Man who lives and never never die?
Response: He’s Jesus, He reigns forevermore.
Call: Who is that Man that lives and never ever die?
Response: He’s Jesus, He’s Jesus
Call: Who is that Mighty Man that lives and never ever die?
Response: He’s Jesus, He reigns forevermore.

Call: He Reigns! He Reigns! He Reigns!
Response: He Reigns! He Reigns!
Call: He Reigns! He Reigns! He Reigns!
Response: He Reigns! He Reigns forevermore………(2times)

He reigns!! My Jesus reigns!!
He reigns above failure, He reigns above sickness
My Jesus reigns above poverty and He reigns above situations
He reigns all over the universe. On the land, in the sea and in the heavens.
The Lord reigns, let the earth tremble…….(Speaking in tongues)
Lift up your heads O ye gates….and let the King of Glory come in
Who is the King of Glory….He’s the Ancient of days.
The Lord strong and Mighty, The Mighty in Battle
Amama amasia amasia, Ugwu anari atu egwu.
Ebube dike! Ebube dike! Ebube dike bu aha yah ehh

hallelujah…..my God reigneth in all the earth
Hallelujah….He reigneth forevermore………(2times)

Call: Death could not hold Him down….He reigns..
He reigneth! He reigneth! He reigneth forevermore
He reigneth! He reigneth! He reigneth forevermore…….(2times)
Hallelujah…..my God reigneth in all the earth
Hallelujah….He reigneth forevermore………(2times)

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