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Devotion: Joseph and His Family

Our study has focused on Joseph, but our passage today reminds us that the Joseph story is about more than simply the experience of one individual. This is the story of a family, a community in relationship with God.

Devotion: A Promise-Keeping God

The same God who made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is faithful to fulfill them. We can have confidence that God will keep His promises.

Devotion: Brothers United

Joseph embraced his brothers, and “afterward his brothers talked with him”. This is more than a throwaway observation.

Devotion: The Unveiling

The interplay of God’s sovereignty and human action is one of the great mysteries of Scripture.

Devotion: Pharaoh and His Dream {Part 1}

If anyone in the ancient world had reason to be proud or think they were self-sufficient, it was Pharaoh. He ruled a vast empire and was thought to be divine.

Devotion: Joseph in Prison (Part 2)

Joseph was chosen, special, elected, confirmed not just by his father’s favoritism but also by dreams given to him by God.

Devotion: Joseph in Prison (Part 1)

Joseph had again risen to a trusted position within the prison and was given the task of attending to these new inmates. He reminds us here that God alone holds our times in His hand.

Devotion: The One Who Brings Good News

he message bearer seeks to avoid receiving the ire that’s really directed toward the sender of the message. Being a bearer of good news often has the opposite effect on people.

Devotion: Provider of Righteousness

The righteousness of God will never fail. We can have this encouragement to ward off the pain from any reproach of man. We have the approval of God.

Devotion: Deliverance from Certain Death

The king’s reflections after his recovery offer us some insights into a godly response to the trials of illness and pain.