Home News Nathaniel Bassey’s Praise Challenge Attracts Thousands

Nathaniel Bassey’s Praise Challenge Attracts Thousands

Nathaniel Bassey - Praise Challenge

Nathaniel Bassey’s Praise Challenge Attracts Thousands

Nigerian gospel singer Nathaniel started a praise challenge that has attracted thousands of participants in and around Nigeria. The 30 day worship session hashtagged #HalleluyahChallenge features an hour long midnight praise hosted on instagram.

According to CNN, over 60,000 participants have joined in the praise and worship session with a single day high of over 50,000 recorded on Monday June 12.

Speaking to CNN, Bassey expressed his surprise at the event’s success stating that he didn’t expect it to become so popular.

“I had a sense which is the leading of the spirit to praise God the whole of this month,” Bassey said.

“Against the backdrop of the challenges in the world today especially in our nation, with the scourge of terrorism and the recession … it has brought a sense of hope and respite. It is a reflection of the desire and hunger for answers and for hope,” he added.

To join the Hallelujah Challenge, simply follow Nathaniel Bassey (nathanielblow) on Instagram (get an Instagram account if you do not have one). You will receive a notification as soon as he is live by 12am. The event ends on June 30th.


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