Home News Pope Benedict XVI Is Doing Fine – Secretary

Pope Benedict XVI Is Doing Fine – Secretary

Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI Is Doing Fine – Secretary

Speculation about the death of the immediate past Pope, Benedict XVI is “fake news”, the retired pope’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, said on Tuesday

“The fake news have all been proven wrong as a 90-year-old, he is well,” Gaenswein told reporters.
He spoke during the presentation of a new CD of Renaissance religious music by the Sistine Chapel Choir.
Rumours about Benedict’s supposedly failing health had last week been denied by the former pontiff’s brother Georg.
“My brother is doing fine,” the 93-year-old told DPA.
Ratzinger resigned from the papacy in February 2013, citing the strains of old age, amid allegations of cronyism and corruption within the Vatican bureaucracy.
He was succeeded by Pope Francis.