Home News Samuel Sofoluwe Recites Hebrews Chapter 1 to 7

Samuel Sofoluwe Recites Hebrews Chapter 1 to 7

Samuel Sofoluwe reciting the book of Hebrews

And so, he did it again! Worshipers were stunned yesterday during the April 2019 HolyGhost Service tagged “Swimming in Glory 4 (Born to Shine)” where Samuel Sofoluwe recites the New Testament, the book of Hebrews from chapter 1-7!

This is the same young chap, who last year also recited the longest chapter in the Bible being Psalm 119, from the beginning to the end, this time, he steps it further.

Samuel Sofoluwe reciting books of Hebrew

While Samuel Sofoluwe wasn’t the only one who participated in the Bible recitation, his performance was somewhat overwhelming and daring as well, which comes from a fresh challenge not to relent based on what he has done in the past.

This is indeed a fulfillment of the scriptures, that whatever parents implants in their Children, they will definitely see the reflections.

We wish Samuel grace to be steadfast and also pray the Lord will increase him in His word and in the knowledge of the glorious King as well.

To watch the full video, click on the link below.