Home Devotion For Today

(a daily inspirational that helps you get to your destiny destination)


Scripture: Hebrew 4:16
*Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.*

Don’t go on the journey of life without enough deposits of grace of God.

Grace is the supernatural life of God deposited in a believer to do what you can not natural do. Grace is a divine enabler.

If your destiny can be carried out by your strength and wisdom then it is not from God.

Every vision that comes from God can only be fueled by God. I urge you don’t run the race of life without receiving a touch of grace from God.

The bible says God gives grace to the humble but he resists the proud. It takes humility from our side as believer to cry to God to pour out grace on us.

When you noticed that you jump at doing things without asking God’s help, it simply means that you are proud. God gives grace to the humble but he resists the proud.

*God resist the proud*
Many people are binding Satan from time to times but they don’t know that God was the one resisting them because there is no deposits of grace in their lives’ account.

Grace is capacity of Holy spirit display through a child of God. You don’t need special theology to operate in Grace, you simply need to ask for it from God. When grace speaks your lapses are silenced.

I have found myself several time on my kneel crying and weeping for a fresh touch of God on my life.

Grace is an attractor of favour
Grace is a dispenser of creativity; the world is full of competition, it takes the deposits of creativity in your spirit to breakthrough.
Grace helps to live a pure life.
Grace is an expression of Holy Spirit’s strength and wisdom through a heir of salvation.

I urge you don’t go on any journey of life without Grace, it will end with frustration. I invite you this morning to dine with Holy spirit. I urge you this morning to thirst and hunger for an unbroken relationship with Holy spirit.

Lord I am sorry for many journey that I have taken without your involvement but now i cry to you to take over. Let my life be an expression of your grace on earth. Thank you Lord.

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji
Fathering Centre,Oyo.
+2348053246946, +2349034412593.

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