Home Devotion For Today Destiny Awake Inspirational

Destiny Awake Inspirational


(a daily inspirational that helps you get your destiny destination)

*Don’t allow devil to attack your courage.*

*Scripture* : _Be strong and of good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I aware unto their fathers to give them._ Joshua 1:6.

For every man of destiny, courage is a force that propels breakthrough and fulfillment. The emphasis of the Lord of Israel to Joshua was courage and strength.

When you see any man that breaks through in destiny, this is one of the chief characteristics that helps him. Also when you see a man that fails to fulfill his God’s purpose you will identify him with this satanic force called “dis-courage”.

*Courage* is God’s given force that pulls every man of destiny to their destination in destiny while *discouragement* is satanic force that disabled a man of destiny not to act in line of his fulfillment.

Courage is an inner push that enables a man of destiny to act in line of fulfillment despite all odds and impossibilities.

The Lord sends me to tell you today, don’t allow the enemy to conquer your courage. Once you loose your courage, you lose your vision and purpose. Whatever the enemy may be doing now don’t loose your divine force of fulfillment.
The enemy will cause you to see your vision as something that doesn’t worth the price. Run away from men that will pity you out of divine purpose. Break every link of human and self pity from your life.

Get up and pay the price for your fulfillment. Be courageous and strengthened.

Prayer *: I arrest every force of hell shooting arrow at my courage and inner strength in the name of Jesus. I will be strong and be courageous in the journey of destiny in Jesus’ name.*

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji
Fathering Centre,Oyo.
+2349034412593, +2348053246946