Home Devotion For Today Destiny awake Inspirational

Destiny awake Inspirational


( a daily inspirational that helps you gets to your destiny destination)

*Don’t allow devil to attack your courage (series 2)*

*Scripture* : _And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him. Because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. 1 Samuel 30:6_

In this season Men and women of destiny will need their courage to possess a new territory and kingdoms by faith. If the enemy get opportunity of shutting down your web of courage, he has gotten your strength and creativity.

A man that is Depressed and discouraged canot be creative. This is reason you have to protect your courage by reading and meditating on God’s Word day and night ( Joshua 1:8).

The enemy know that our faith is hidden in our courage, he will do everything to attack our courage.

All men of war around David and David himself were distressed by what they saw in Ziglag. When a man is distressed, his wisdom and creativity will be silenced and stolen by the enemy.

Things will happen to discourage your heart but never transact it with your courage. The breakthrough came to David when he regained his courage, when he encouraged himself in the Lord. Once his courage was restored, his wisdom was restored, he quickly asked the Lord for guidance.

Many battle you thought you have lost, it’s because you are discouraged. Discouragement makes life foggy, the glory is close by but you can’t see.

The Lord send me to you this morning, encourage yourself in the Lord, you can still try again and get back what the enemy has stolen in your life.

Get back your courage and you will get back wisdom and creativity. Solutions will flow like river.

*Prayer: Father, i am sorry for forgetting and limiting who you are in my life which allow the enemy to steal my courage. My father restore my courage this morning, pour fresh joy in my heart to possess my inheritance in Jesus’ name.*

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji,
Fathering Centre,Oyo