Home Devotion For Today Destiny Awake Inspirstional

Destiny Awake Inspirstional


( a daily inspirational that helps you get to your destiny destination)
By Pastor Oluwamide Oladeji

Scripture:Genesis 18:17
*And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham* *that thing which I do;*

Every family has a priest, no lineage without a priest. The priest of a family can either be God’s or Satan’s. There are priest of God and there are priest of Satan.

When God wants to communicate something tangible to a family, God looks for his priests in the family. God’s priests are custodians of divine secrets. They are God’s friends that by reason of their relationship with God, God vows to make nothing happen in the coverage of their influence without informing them.

They are God’s Abrahams in every family but if the whole family can lack any priest of God either male or female, Satan will hijack a member in that family and make him or her his priest.

Any family that lacks God’s priest will suffer from witchcraft and familiar spirit operations. I urge you to pay attention to your friendship with God. Don’t put *for sale* on your lineage for Satan to purchase.

Kingdom priesthood has nothing to do with gender, it can be a man or woman that will be custodian of God’s secrets to a family and lineage.

God’s priests in a family are Men and women who have cordial relationship with God. God say of them ” how will i do this without informing my friend “. God doesn’t betray friendship. If you are his friend, he will tell you his plan and plan of your enemies ahead. They intercessors whose hearts are large.

You are reading this inspirational this day, God wants to use you as an expression of redemption in your family and lineage. From you the flow of ancestral curse will stop, evil happenings will stop because you are an expression of redemptive work.

Some parents will visit herbalist and satanic houses for protection, safety and prosperity but they don’t know that they are selling their family back to the devil.

Whose priest are you?

Father, I want to be your friend indeed. Make your priest out of me.

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji
Fathering Centre,