Home Devotion For Today Destiny Awake Inspirational

Destiny Awake Inspirational


(a daily inspirational that helps you get to your destiny destination)


Scripture: Revelation 1:6
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Intimacy with God brings revelation. When you fellowship with God, He will share with you hidden things of his mind.

Can God wake you up to pray and intercede for a family member and a church members. That is the price of becoming God’s confidant.

Cindy Jacobs of Intercessors Generals stepped into her prophetic ministry by waking up to pray for members of Her Church from there God entrusted International ministry her care.

Priests of the Lord are selfless, they prayed for other peoples than themselves.

I can’t forget an experience I had in 2009, we’ve just married. One day very early in the morning, I was doing my quiet and started cry and sobbing without any reason personally known to me. I was crying and heavily sorrowful. I started asking God for mercy for somebody I didn’t know. At that point, I knew I was carrying somebody’s burden.

Weeks after that experience, I got to know that a sister fell into Satan’s trap and it was God that rescued her, she would have died. When God can trust in friendship, he will confidently keep his secret with you. How would God shared such a heavy matters with the boy Samuel. Fellowship made a priest out of you.

Late Kenneth Haggin was on the bed one night, God woke him to pray for his blood brother, he woke up to till he had peace in his spirit that God has settled it. Latter, he learnt that his blood brother have died that same night in his work place.

Father in a family, you are a priest of the Lord like Abraham. Are you a child in a family? allow God to form his priest in you.

Are you a priest in a classroom? pray your students to salvation. Be a priest of the Lord, be an intercede.

*And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.* Ezekiel 22:30

God is searching for a man to stand in the gap to pray the unsaved in their family to salvation. To silence the flood of the enemy raised against any members of their family and church.

Father, I receive grace to be pray and intercede for my people.

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji,
Fathering Centre,