Home Devotion For Today Destiny Awake Inspirational

Destiny Awake Inspirational


*Destiny Awake Inspirational*
( a daily inspirational that helps you get to your destiny destination) by Oluwamide Oladeji
Monday 18th January, 2021

( taking your spirit engine to God’s Workshop for servicing)

Scripture: Hebrews 1:7
_And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire_

I beseech you in the name of the Lord Jesus pay every price needed to carry *cloven tongue of fire* 🔥daily. Don’t wait for the end time, the end time is here. The wait for the perilous time, the perilous time is here. So, it is dangerous to move about without cloven tongue of fire upon your life.

Do your spiritual practices daily to ensure that you carry cloven tongue of fire daily. Daily Christian practices as in reading and study the word, praying in understanding and holy Ghost, learn to have retreat with the Lord.

As your car needs to be serviced within a period of time, so you need to practice the culture of taking your spirit engine to God’s workshop for daily servicing. If you don’t service your spirit engine by daily spiritual practices, it may be knocked.

You can be so busy to the extent of overworking you spirit engine and not take it to God’s workshop for overhauling.

Don’t journey this year without *the cloven tongue of fire* 🔥.

Service your spirit engine from time to times by;
👉 *reading, study and meditating on the word of God*
👉 *Praying in understanding and holy Ghost*
👉 *Fellowshipping with other brethren in Zion( Church)*
👉 *Retreat with the Lord.*

🔥 father, Refire my spirit, overhauling my spirit’s engine, Lord service me afresh.

🔥Lord ignite me with cloven tongue of fire afresh.

Till tomorrow,
Oluwamide Oladeji