Home News Nathaniel Bassey to Ladies: Expose Any Married Man Hunting You

Nathaniel Bassey to Ladies: Expose Any Married Man Hunting You

Nathaniel Bassey and Family

Gospel musician Nathaniel Bassey has called on ladies to expose any married man hunting them.

The minister expressed sadness over the manner some self proclaimed Christian ladies go about having affair with married men, and questioned how many of them will like such atrocities to befall them in their own marriage.

According to Nathaniel Bassey, “Today looks like a day to sound out some hard truth. And beloved, only the Truth sets free. To my wonderful Christian sisters. The number of stories I get to hear, via emails etc, about sisters, supposedly saved and in church but dating married men is quite alarming. Please if you have not heard this truth, may I have the privilege of sharing it with you?

“Please stop it!!!!! You are sowing dangerous seeds for your own life, marriage and destiny. Never hide under grace to perpetuate such evil o. It only shows a lack of understanding of grace. Ask yourself, ‘In your own marriage, would you want such to happen?’ As a Christian, you are God’s daughter. A princess. You shouldn’t be someone’s toy and instrument in the hands of the enemy.

“No matter how long you have waited for your own husband to come, never settle for someone else’s concubine. You are worth way more than that. If there’s a married man who keeps disturbing you, declare your stance to him. And if he insists, expose him. Remember this is your life! Don’t allow someone else LUST cause you some colossal LOSS. Don’t sow fire and brimstone into your future home” he said.

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