Home News A Muslimah Shares Her Encounter with Jesus! – Farida Sali

A Muslimah Shares Her Encounter with Jesus! – Farida Sali

Farida Sali

Worshipers were basking in praise and thanksgiving to God at the testimony of how the Lord Jesus saved a Muslimah (Muslim Woman) and delivered her from Islam.

The Muslimah, Farida Sali who hails from Kano, Nigeria  gave a testimony of how testified the Lord appeared to her, saved her and also instruct her to preach the goodnews! Farida gave this testimony during the just concluded HolyGhost Service of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, April 2019.

Explaining her encounter, Farida told the large gathering that she was visited by a strange being in 2017. According to her,

“I saw a man appear to me in my room and his presence was so awesome. His presence was so strong in the room that I began to pray against him in the Islamic way. I made a lot of incantation but his presence was still strong in the room.

“My people had to take me to a psychiatric hospital to find out if I had a mental problem. But was told I was mentally okay that they should take me to native people to find solution to what I was going through. I kept seeing the personality.”

According to her, she later got to know the being who has been appearing to her was Jesus. She also explained how Jesus gave her some scriptures, such as  John 3:16, Proverbs 18:10, Isaiah 42:1-5, Jeremiah 51:21-23 and then commanded her to go out and preach the gospel.

In her words “But I protested that I had never been to school and wondered how I would preach the gospel. He then touched my tongue. Immediately I began to speak English.”

Most interesting of it all, she now expressed the inexplicable peace she has ever since the encounter she has with the Lord Jesus.

This is a practical demonstration of how the Lord choose to save the Muslims sometimes, God is indeed working in he midst of His people. You can watch the video below.