Home News Two Christian Churches Bombed in Egypt on Palm Sunday, ISIS Takes Credit

Two Christian Churches Bombed in Egypt on Palm Sunday, ISIS Takes Credit


Christians in Egypt request our prayers after two churches in Northern Egypt suffered bomb attacks during Palm Sunday services on 9th April.

The first bomb exploded inside Mar Girgis (St. George’s) Coptic Orthodox church in Tanta, in Gharbiya governorate in the Nile Delta region. The bishopric has issued a list of 26 names of people who died in the attack. According to the Ministry of Health, 71 people were injured

Later during the morning of 9th April, a suicide bomber was intercepted and detonated his device outside St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria. According to a statement by the Ministry of Health, six people were killed in this attack and 33 were injured. Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadrous II was presiding over the Palm Sunday celebrations in the cathedral, but he is reported to be unharmed.

Christians in Egypt ask us to pray:

  1. for God’s comfort for those who lost loved ones and for full recovery of the injured
  2. for comfort and encouragement for the wider Christian community and for God’s protection over his church in Egypt and over other targets of these kinds of attacks
  3. that the perpetrators of these violent attacks and the instigators behind them will be found and brought to justice.

Source: christianheadlines.com