Home Music Audio: Preye Omayuku – It is Finished

Audio: Preye Omayuku – It is Finished

Preye Omayuku

Gospel minister, Preye Omayuku, celebrated the Easter period by releasing a new single, “It is finished”. Titled with the last three words spoken by Jesus while he hung on the cross at Calvary, “It is finished” is a rock themed song.

Omayuku expresses all that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ made available to Christians all over the world. This is a timely reminder that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus stands for something much more than everyday martyrdom.

In addition to the gift of eternal life that was poured out on the day, we are reminded of the healing, prosperity, and all other benefits that are ours because of the sacrifice that was made at Calvary. The song is the first single to be released from her highly anticipated sophomore album scheduled for release in 2018.




Tell me, what can I do,
to make you see that it’s all done,
I did it all on Calvary and then I said
that ‘it is finished’
all your sins forgiven
all your sins forgotten
all your sickness gone
answers to your questions
all has been forgiven
everything forgotten
I rewrite your story
it’s a new beginning

It is finished

And every hand that points
every judgment made,
every ordinance, He nailed to the cross,
for now there’s no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,
Whom the son sets free, he is free indeed

I’m not what I used to be,
since my Jesus came and He turned me around…


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